How Businesses Can Securely Work From Home

March 24, 2020

How Businesses Can Securely Work From Home

By Chris Brunau

As the world continues to deal with the global health crisis, businesses have turned to remote work to help keep their employees safe and still maintain regular business operations.

With the increase in remote work, companies will have to prepare in various ways to avoid cyber security risks or interruptions to business. “When supporting a remote workforce, understand that security controls shift. Therefore, firewalls, DNS, and IDS/IPS could be ineffective when employees head home. Most environments that support VPNs should be able to protect the remote user, be sure to account for the bandwidth of users and remote desktop sessions,” said Dan Garcia, Senior Information Security Engineer II at Datto.

CISA's VPN Guidance

The Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released an alert on 3/13 to encourage organisations to adopt a heightened state of cyber security. According to the CISA, remote work options require an VPN solution to connect employees to an organisation’s network. The CISA encourages organisations to review the following recommendations when considering alternate workplace options:

CDC Best Practices

The CDC has released some best practices for a disease outbreak plan:

  • Review human resources policies to make sure that policies and practices are consistent with public health recommendations and are consistent with existing state and federal workplace laws (for more information on employer responsibilities, visit the Department of Labor’s external icon and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s external icon websites).
  • Explore whether you can establish policies and practices, such as flexible worksites (e.g., telecommuting) and flexible work hours (e.g., staggered shifts), to increase the physical distance among employees and between employees and others if state and local health authorities recommend the use of social distancing strategies. For employees who are able to telework, supervisors should encourage employees to telework instead of coming into the workplace until symptoms are completely resolved. Ensure that you have the information technology and infrastructure needed to support multiple employees who may be able to work from home.

Tips from Datto MSPs

In addition, we spoke with some Datto partners to get their best practices and advice for how businesses can remain secure through and potential remote work scenarios.

  • Use a Secure WiFi Network: If possible, you should work on your secure, private home network instead of relying on public WiFi. If you send your data through an unsecured WiFi connection, you lose the power of privacy making it possible for cybercriminals to intercept your data. You may be putting personal information at risk if you are accessing your email account or sending sensitive data over a public WiFi network. It’s essential to ensure your network is secure through the use of a VPN and a strong password that isn’t easily cracked. According to Andy Katz, Network Solution Engineer at Datto, the main issue in public WiFi is the potential for eavesdropping. “If you connect to a public WiFi environment that doesn’t require any authentication using WPA you’re network communication has many elements in the transmission that go over clear text and there is also a greater potential for rogue APs that can attempt to get in the middle of transactions that you would typically trust such as a VPN or banking website.
    Brian Weiss of ITECH Solutions recommends MSPs advise businesses to rely solely on company hardware and connecting through a VPN. “The only time we allow a personal device to be used is in the case of an end-user accessing their company computer via a secure remote desktop application like LogMeIn with MFA enabled. Security patches and software updates should always be maintained on company-owned computers. In the event of BYOD computers or devices, ITECH requires these to be under contract with monitoring, endpoint security, and management of security patches,” said Weiss. Learn more on the ITECH Solutions blog.
  • Secure Your Home Workstation: Ensure you have fully patched and updated anti-virus and anti-malware software. It’s important to follow the same best practices you would as if you were in the office, and report any suspicious activity or concerns to internal IT or your MSP. According to Patrick Murphy of Results Technology, these are some key areas to ensure you’re secure. For more tips, check out their blog.
  • Coordinate With Your Internal IT or MSP: When working remotely, it’s crucial to continue your typical cyber security best practices and reach out with any questions or concerns. According to Steve Stokes, Business Development Director at UK-based Aura Technology, users should coordinate with their internal IT department or MSP prior to working remotely. “If you have a company-provided laptop, this should be straight forward, but if you have to work from home and use your own computer, your IT department or MSP will advise you whether this is possible and if so, how to do it securely.”

For the latest information on COVID-19, follow the CDC information page with FAQs, situation updates, and more.

What is Cyber Resilience and Can You Achieve it?

This session explores what you need from a people, product and process standpoint to achieve Cyber Resilience, and how to build a Cyber Resilience plan for your own business and your clients’.

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