Unlock Your IT Team's Potential

Is your IT team ready to face the challenges of the ever-evolving digital landscape? Many of today’s cybercriminals can bypass traditional defenses at will. This leaves businesses exposed to ransomware, credential harvesting and other types of attacks that can cost $8,000 per hour from the time of the known attack to remediation. * Can your business afford this level of payout if you’re attacked?

Join our security experts, Sr. Solutions Engineers Natalie Mayo and Tony Ra as they share their key tips for 2024 including:

  • How to bolster your security posture and utilize a cybersecurity framework, like NIST, with EDR and RMM
  • The steps to detect and recover in the event of a ransomware attack with Datto EDR’s rollback functionality
  • Ways to use Datto tools to proactively monitor, manage and respond to threats

Discover the secrets to fortifying your cybersecurity defenses and maximizing your team’s impact in this crucial webinar. Watch the recording today!

* https://www.datto.com/resources/datto-edr-buyers-guide