The Journey of Crypto-Ransomware: Detection, Response, and Prevention

The impact of ransomware on businesses cannot be overstated. Cybersecurity Magazine estimates that ransomware attacks will cause $20 billion in damage in 2021 — a staggering 57X more than in 2015. So how can managed service providers (MSPs) prepare themselves and their clients for a potential impact?

It’s important to consider the issue of ransomware from various angles - even the most prepared businesses can be hit, so MSPs should also have a plan in place to detect and respond to attacks. In this infographic, we break down how ransomware is spread and share tips to help businesses establish plans to prevent, detect, and respond to ransomware attacks, including:

  • What crypto-ransomware is and how it spreads to its victims
  • How to identify an attack on your network
  • Steps to take if your client has been impacted by a ransomware attack
  • And more!