How RMM Improves Cyber Resilience for SMBs

By Andrew Burton

The term “cyber resilience” refers to a business's ability to continuously deliver on its intended outcome despite adverse cyber events. In other words, cyber resilience allows businesses to continue normal operations in the event of a cyberattack. Managed service providers (MSPs) use information security, business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR), remote monitoring and management (RMM) software, and organizational resilience practices to help their small and medium business (SMB) clients achieve cyber resilience.

MSPs use RMM software to increase their clients’ cyber resilience in a number of ways. RMM enables asset discovery and management, so MSPs have clear visibility into client networks. It can be used to automate patch management, as well. This is critical because many cyber threats leverage unpatched software to gain access to business networks.

Some RMM solutions even offer ransomware detection capabilities. For example, Datto RMM proactively monitors for ransomware on client networks, attempts to terminate the ransomware process, isolates infected devices, and triggers an alert so MSPs can respond immediately.

Datto RMM Ransomware Detection complements other endpoint security applications such as antivirus packages to provide an extra layer of security and helps reduce the impact of a ransomware attack. It relies on a completely new behavioral-based engine, rather than a signature-based approach that compares files to a known database. This is important because it detects ransomware as soon as it is present on a network, instead of when it begins encrypting files.

Since Datto RMM quickly identifies the presence of ransomware and prevents it from spreading to additional devices, MSPs can dramatically reduce the impact of an attack.

MSP Tech Day: Cyber Resilience

At our MSP Technology Day on March 18, 2021, we discussed cyber resilience and how to protect your business and clients in an increasingly complex threat landscape. If you missed the live event, check out the recording for actionable information on how to elevate your security posture from guest speakers, executive keynotes, a Q&A session, and product demos.

Watch MSP Tech Day: Cyber Resilience

RMM & Patch Management: The First Line of Defense Against Cyberthreats

Check out this eBook to learn how to approach your client security engagements and provide tactical measures to secure your clients’ IT environment.

View the Resource

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